Trips around the Dead Sea and Judean Desert
The Good Samaritan
The Good Samaritan Museum is a unique archeological museum displaying a variety of mosaics brought from various sites throughout Judea and Samaria, and others. Prominent in the mosaic collection is the floor mosaic at the entrance, uncovered at a synagogue in the Gaza Strip and brought to the museum.
The museum is located at a historical site with a mosaic dating back to the 1st century, where a castle of the Herodian Dynasty was revealed. In biblical times, the site marked the border between the territories of the Judah and Benjamin tribes. In Christianity, the site is related to the Good Samaritan parable, considered a symbol of fraternity and friendship among human beings.
The museum displays various artifacts found in Jewish synagogues, Samaritan synagogues and several churches. In addition, it presents ancient cave dwellings, water cisterns and a reconstructed Byzantine church.
Many archeological findings were uncovered at the museum:
- 2nd Temple – Water cisterns, perambulators, columns and more.
- 6th century – A large inn and basilica (reconstructed).
- Crusader age – A fortress, roadside inn and water holes.
- Ottoman period – Roadside inn and guard command post, which was later renovated and used by the British and which currently serves the museum.
We welcome you to see the amazing mosaics and to get a glimpse of the past through the unique discoveries that reveal stories of ancient times.
The museum consists of 6 halls:
- Jewish synagogues – Synagogues from Jericho, Gaza and Naaran.
- Samaritan synagogues – Displaying the inscription of the “Ten Commandments” in Samaritan writing, taken from Mt. Gerizim.
- The Samaritan synagogue at Khirbet Samara.
- Churches – Including the church at Shilo
- Churches
- Findings from Martyrius Monastery, Khirbet Bet Sila and Mt. Hebron.
Tour duration
1 hour
Admission fee?
Rte. 1 between the Dead Sea and Jerusalem, shortly after Kfar Edomim when coming from Jerusalem.